What to Expect

Common questions from our clients

What to Expect

Whether this is your first time visiting us or you have visited an attorney before, we find you may some questions. Listed are some of the common questions our new clients have.

You are a fiduciary. What does that mean?

As a fiduciary, we have the duty to act in a way to benefit a beneficiary, often financially. We may be responsible to manage and handle legal and financial affairs and protect the assets for you or for someone who is unable unable, or unwilling, to act own his or her own.

What is your experience?

We have been doing this for a long time.

What will my visit cost me?

Your initial visit is free. There are fees with any future actions required of us.

What will your services cost?

Our fees are dependent on the type of services we provide. See our fees page for more details.

What do you need from me?

Obviously, we need to know what service you need. Please bring any necessary documentation or other information you have have.

What’s next?

Depending on the service we provide other meetings may be required. We will discuss this in full before you leave.

Contact us to set up an appointment

Complete the form below or give us a call at 952-236-6525